Diabetes General Care: Scarring

On a day where I wanted to look pretty, my clothes had wrinkled. I absolutely needed to use the only iron without a board. So I tried doing it on the floor. Big mistake! Why? No.. I did not burn the house on fire. Haha LOL😑 No, it was because I had caused myself a burn that to this day has left a yet noticeable mark. Being a diabetic is a rollercoaster and not having healthy glucose levels cannot only endanger T1's but can also have long term negative consequences. Talk about peachy! Just peachy!

When we get a bruise, pinch a toe, burn or cut ourselves on accident, having sporadic sugar levels help us heal! Oops! I meant NOT heal or at least heal on an ever really.... like really.... slow process. Great, right?! Even when we have the healthiest sugar levels on the history of the planet, I have noticed that my burns, pinched toes, and cuts heal very slowly and it really annoys me. Even marks caused by diabetic machinery still persist weeks later, like my insulin pump. The specific insulin pump I use is great! Only complaint: It leaves ugly circular scars on my upper thighs. I can only give four tips to avoid or heal scars.

1) Eat right like foods high in nutrients, proteins and vitamin like: meats, vegetables and fruits. Low carb-diets are the best way to keep healthy sugar readings and will help your body heal quickly.


2) Avoid exposing your scars to the sun. It makes them more noticeable.


3) Try homemade natural ointments/over-the-counter creams and ointments.

4) If that doesn't work go to your dermatologist who will prescribe you a stronger ointment to heal the scars on your body.


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